Tuesday 25 October 2011


您有看到这则新闻吗?看到马国的百万富翁是去年的双倍,真是可喜的。(资料来源:Twice as many millionaires in Malaysia over last 18 months 

“Citing a report released this week by international financial firm Credit Suisse Group, WSJ wrote that since early 2010, Malaysia added 19,000 new millionaires, bringing its total to 39,000.

PETALING JAYA: The number of millionaires has almost doubled in Malaysia over the last 18 months, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported.”

然而,再看下去,新国在世界是排行第五的富有国家;DingDongLin 就会想到马国了。为什么马国会那么的。。。也不知怎么形容马国。常看到马国政治人物互相指责、你陷害我,我陷害你的、再来一个连家人都拖入政坛里,实在替自己的国家可悲。

“The report also said that the average Singaporean was wealthier in comparison to the rest of the world, with the average household wealth at US$285,000 (RM897,000).

This makes them the fifth wealthiest people in the world after Switzerland, Australia, Norway and France.
Average household wealth in Indonesia, on the other hand, hovered at only around US$12,000 (RM37,771).”
“Average household debt, which offsets much of savings and investments in Western countries, is very low in the region.
It is only 13% of total assets in Singapore and 2.5% of total assets in Indonesia.”

再来这一则新闻,DingDongLin 心理非常非常的不平衡。心痛、心痛、再心痛。人民给了不少的税务,却不知进了谁人口袋。 (资料来源:Dept paid RM11,800 for RM3,400 laptop and printer

大家都熟悉 TV 和 DVD 价钱,在马国某个部门的价钱却是比牛车轮大百倍、千倍。

一架 LCD TV 和 DVD Player RM16,100、一架 Laptop 和 Printer RM11,845。这些人真的很可恶,当人民是傻瓜。人民的所得税也只能扣 RM3000 买电脑。难道他们的电脑是用金做的,需要五位数的价钱才买到。

“PETALING JAYA: The Marine Parks Department (JTLM) overpaid between 177% and 2,805% for equipment on a new boat and was not even supplied some items, the Auditor-General's Report stated.”
“Other price differences of equipment included a night vision Bushnell binoculars for RM56,350 which was a 1,893% increase from the market price of RM2,827; RM16,100 for a LCD television and DVD player which was 638% more than the market rate of RM2,182; and RM11,845 or 246% more for a laptop and a colour printer although their market price was RM3,428.

However, the audit found that the DVD player that was supplied was only worth RM195 and the laptop and colour printer that were supplied was only worth RM2,137.”

没有市场调查、买卖部门须要有经验的 Officer 来管理?DingDongLin 想连一个家庭主妇都会大概知道 TV、DVD Player、电脑的价钱;更何况是这些所谓的‘人物’?根本就是‘歪风’。麻烦你们别再那么的无耻,当人民是水鱼、傻瓜、白痴的,好吗?

There was no evidence that JTLM had conducted the necessary market research.

“The procurement management needs to be handled in a more organised manner by officers who have the expertise and experience in handling Government procurement.


  1. 今早看光明日报的头条的时候,我在那边直摇头啊。。。

  2. 是啰,人民一直努力赚钱,他们就一直努力的坑。马国政府实在腐败,再腐败;看了就很厌恶。只是看到他们如何坑,却没见过他们受到制裁。


  3. 一个部门从上到下那么多人,不刮多一点怎么分?

  4. 不用痛心,美丽的破裂国,还有很多大学人才闲着没饭开,

  5. 把新人带进公务行?哗,到时候他们有样学样,RM10k LCD TV 变 RM30k.

    200 万的公务员,我想到时候,我也要加入行列分一杯羹。免得又心理不平衡,伤身哩!
