Thursday, 29 December 2011

开新国 POSB 户口

前些日子,DingDongLin 替老ei 算钱,然后说要在小新开一个银行户口存新币;

对于没工作的 DingDongLin,新币就要在老ei 那里来了。老ei 听了之后,说 DingDongLin 这个女人有点可怕,帮他算钱,拿马币又拿新币。

DingDongLin 解释说,不是要很多新币,吃或搭车/MRT 一天都不止那个钱了。

DingDongLin 要新币有原因的,

其一, DingDongLin 是一个不会存现钱的人,有了小新银行户口,拿钱也比较难,这样就可以不动用新币;

其二, DingDongLin 很喜欢钱,即然现在是小新永久居民,就要有一些些新币 “私房钱”;师奶嘛,有钱才有安全感。

其三, DingDongLin 觉得新币一直以来,兑换率都在升,存一些新币还蛮不错的;DingDongLin 还去做新币-马币兑换率历史的功课呢!

所以,DingDongLin 特地去了小新 YEW TEE 的 POSB 开了一个 eSaving 户口。eSaving 户口是没有存摺的,只有一张 Debit Card 和一个网上银行服务的密码器。

YEW TEE POSB 就在 YEW TEE MRT 出口右手边。由 JB 关卡到 YEW TEE MRT 站,只须 35-50 分钟。

不过,小新还真的什么都讲钱的;如果银行户口的钱少过 SGD500,每个月就要给 SGD2 的费用。而且,小新银行存款户口利息少得可怜 - 0.05%;还是当新币有 Capital Appreciation 好一点。

小新的 DBS 和 POSB 可是兄弟哦!DBS 的每月免费费用的最低存款额由 12-Sept-2011 开始开的户口,是 SGD 1000。老ei 开玩笑的说,DBS 给比较高级的人。

POSB Debit Card:

POSB 密码器:

由 1995 年至 2010 年马币-新币兑换率,平均每年起了 RM0.04。那就是说每年有 4%,对吧!

兑换历史接链Historic Exchange Rates

1995 年的马币-新币兑换率:

 2000 年的马币-新币兑换率:

2005 年的马币-新币兑换率:

2010 年的马币-新币兑换率:


  1. DBS 户口,我有一个,要放至少一千新币,才不收费用,是什么意思?我好像不到一千,可是我没用的,只是放着。那我需要加到一千吗?

  2. 我在 DBS 的 Deposit Guide PDF 看的,如果你的户口是在 12-Sept-2011 前开的,那 Min Amount 是 SGD500;12-Sept-2011 后开的是 SGD1000。如果没有 Maintain Min Amount,银行每个月会收费 SGD2。

    DBS Savings Plus/eSavings Plus
    Fall-below fee for accounts opened S$2 per month
    before 12 September 2011
    (if average daily balance < S$500)

    Fall-below fee for accounts opened S$2 per month
    from 12 September 2011
    (if average daily balance < S$1,000)

  3. 谢啦,我是在2009年开的,应该是新币500一下,要每个月收SGD2

  4. Your calculation is wrong:

    由 1995 年至 2010 年马币-新币兑换率,平均每年起了 RM0.04。那就是说每年有 4%,对吧!

    If you keep the same amount of money in Singapore and Msia separately (put FD for example) since 1995, your return will be much greater (in year 2010) for the money you save in Msia.

  5. em... I think you are right. Thanks for remind. The 4% is based on yearly but not the actual amount of $$$. Also, I did not calculate the FD compound interest (without withdraw the interest). Even though the FD interest is withdrawn, M'sia still have more $$$ as the average FD rate is about 3%.

  6. If you check the history, your money grows a lot if you save as FD in Msia compared to Singapore as the FD rate is far greater than 3%.

    To give you an example, FD rate (from
    1996: 7.26%
    1997: 9.33%
    1998: 5.74%

    Of course, you may consider the FD rate in Singapore too for 1995-2011. But in my opinion, i conjecture that saving in RM (FD in Msia) will get better return than saving in SGD (FD in Spore + conversion rate increment) since FD rate in Spore is very very very low. You may need to verify yourself.

  7. In addition, increment of RM0.04 yearly is not equal 4% yearly.

    You need to divide the RM0.04 with the currency in Jan each year.

  8. Interesting. I think for the pass 10+ years, its still fluctrate 2%++ to 3%++ even though not 4%. In year 2008 and 2011 alone, it hits highest 4%+ (10 cents different)

    In the coming and future years, lets wait and see how's going...

  9. I think i will not further comment on this topic as my main purpose is not meant to make a comparison between SGD vs MYR or SG vs M'sia. Its deviates of my original thoughts.

    Anyway, thanks for pointing out my % calculation mistake.
